Factory No. 41 - 800 Acres - East of El-Roubiki - Badr City
Our mission is to provide reliable and advanced products with the highest quality standards, by using the latest technologies and relying on the best raw materials. We work to meet the needs of our customers efficiently, with a focus on innovation, continuous development, and commitment to deadlines to ensure customer satisfaction and enhance their confidence in our products.
تطمح تيمكو إلى أن تكون الخيار الأول في صناعة المصاعد واللوحات الكهربائية في الأسواق المحلية والعالمية، من خلال التوسع في مجالات التصنيع، اعتماد أحدث تقنيات الإنتاج، وتعزيز مكانتنا كمزود رئيسي للحلول الهندسية المتطورة التي تواكب تطلعات العصر الحديث.
Timco seeks to achieve leadership in the elevator and electrical panels industry by providing high-quality products that meet the needs of the local and global market. We aim to continuously expand our production lines, develop manufacturing techniques, and enhance innovation to ensure providing integrated and modern solutions to our customers. We are also committed to sustainability and enhancing quality and safety standards at all stages of production.
About Timco Factories
Timco Factories Group (Timco Group) started its activity in 1970 in Shubra El-Kheima, Qalyubia, by manufacturing elevator door pumps on an area of 100 square meters, with a workforce of approximately 20 workers. Then the field developed to manufacture electrical panels in all sizes and various shapes with the latest modern designs, durability of manufacture, and international quality specifications, which caused a boom in the world of Egyptian electrical panels manufacturing. We fed the Egyptian market with a new, innovative, and pioneering generation that gave us leadership, spread, and difference. In a short period of time, we became the black horse of this industry inside Egypt, which gave our product priority and leadership in demand inside Egypt and thus outside it. Our product became a target for many Arab countries, so we exported to Libya, Sudan, and Saudi Arabia.
The company moved to diversify its industrial activity, so the company entered the field of manufacturing elevator doors, so we made field expansions for the group.
On an area of nearly 100 square meters and with a workforce of nearly 100 workers, technicians, employees and engineers, it was the beginning until we reached our production to manufacture all shapes, sizes and colors of elevator doors with the latest advanced and sophisticated international designs, supported by the latest international production lines, modern equipment and the finest types of distinctive international materials, relying on the latest painting methods through
A distinctive and modern electrostatic oven unit, keeping pace with the global technological development in the dazzling high-end designs, which gave us leadership and leadership in the market, and our product became in a short period the most widespread in the Egyptian market.
With rapid and pioneering development, our product became a destination for the Arab market, so we exported our product to the markets (Saudi Arabia and Sudan), so the product became a subject of admiration and praise internally and externally, so it was good for uniqueness, leadership and distinction
Due to our experience, efficiency, quality and leadership in the field of sheet metal and paints, many home appliances and electrical companies have rushed to benefit from our experience and efficiency in both fields (sheet metal - paint) such as Ideal Zanussi, Kiriazi, Atlas and Nour companies (so we manufactured stove and refrigerator sides, refrigerator hinges and bases, which won the admiration and praise of their engineers and experts, which prompted the group to keep the ovens and electrostatics unit in its branch in Shubra El-Kheima to accommodate the production of these companies and continue to support their industry. A modern electrostatic ovens unit with superior capabilities was opened in the group’s branch in Badr Industrial City, specifically for the company’s production of doors, panels and bases for refrigerators and stoves.
In 2010, due to the great and distinctive spread that God has blessed us with in the Egyptian market and the increasing demand for all our products, we opened a new branch for the group in Badr Industrial City on an area of about 11,000 thousand meters, accommodating about 300 workers, employees, engineers and technicians. It was the third starting point towards diversity, spread and larger production by starting to manufacture elevator cabins. We developed, innovated and added with us another to the shape, quality and design of advanced and modern cabins with the most beautiful and latest unique and distinctive designs. In addition to manufacturing villa bracelets in all shapes and sizes, which gave a global touch, elegance and beauty to most of the new cities and tourist villages that were blessed with the installation of these high-end bracelets and prompted many contracting companies to conclude contracts to supply these bracelets to them. We also manufactured the electrical cables that most factories and facilities need, as well as metal offices and stands to store raw materials and supplies and equip shops and supermarkets.
Projects completed Successfully. Urban design draw
Projects completed Successfully. Urban design draw
Projects completed Successfully. Urban design draw